Archive for the ‘Finance’ Category

Kids 529 Education Plan Savings Estimator by Vanguard

One of the critical part of financial planning is to plan for funding kids education. There are lots of studies which shows that tuition fees expected raise every year and no one really can predict it. It’s wise to be planning well in advance and prepare yourself to pay for their education and than scrambling […]

15 Financial Resolutions for the year 2015

I usually don’t like resolutions or don’t like to make any resolutions. I work on goals and objections every day or month. I feel resolutions are just way to give excuse to yourself unless you really follow through and make it happen. I believe in KISS, “Keep it Simple, Sincere”. That’s right not Keep it […]

Magic of Compound Interest – Chart Explained

Many of us aware of Power of Compounding but it is always good to keep reminding often so we can save more on time to reap the rewards of the magic. This single chart will help you visualize how early start can be really advantages. Susan (grey) invests $5,000 per year from age 25 to […]