Archive for the ‘Tax Planning’ Category

5 Steps to help you start planning for 2012 Tax year now…

It is June of 2012 already, half of the year is almost over. In no time, we will see another new year. Time flies and it flies fast taking for a ride along with it. We should always plan and prepare for every possible situation. 2012 Tax season has come and gone but it’s time […]

Tax year 2012 – Important Inflation adjustments

Happy New year to everyone.. I hope this year bring a reasonable amount growth and prosperous to our country and everyone’s life as well. Let me start this year with blog on the update about IRS inflation adjusts on various tax items. Usually every year the Internal Revenue Service adjusts for inflation tax brackets, tables, […]

Charitable Giving is Good for you & for your Taxes – Tax deductible contributions

I am a big proponent of Charitable giving. I raise funds at this time of year to sponsor and support few kids education back home in India. I always like to follow the proverb, that what you give from one hand shouldn’t be known to the other. But at the same time, its not always […]