Goals are good…

Dawn of every new year brings more talks about Self discipline, Self improvements using different methodologies. It is good to think about self improvement atleast once year if you don’t concentrate more during the year. I believe every New year adds a brand new page in our lives giving us opportunities to either work on our new dreams or continue to stay on course with our current goals.

It is a good thing to think about resolutions and goals at the start of the year so you can try to accomplish them to end the year in a good note.

Goals are good compared to resolutions as per many experts because resolutions have tendency to erode and lose the importance as the days go on. As per some survey, 50% resolutions are been broken within a week and many break all their resolutions less than 3 months.. The reason, resolutions don’t have definite plan of action. On the other hand, goals work differently. It can be broken down to smaller milestones and  plans can be drafted which can be follow through with actions. I know, it is easier said then done.

I read an article in Costco Connections about a book named, “Succeed: How we can reach our goals?”. The author talks about people behavior and how many can reach their goals and not other. She says others can also do the same by building their “Self control muscle“.  One reason she mentions that people think they don’t have the inbuilt ability to do so compared to others who succeed. That is wrong. She says, not everybody is born smart but smartness can be achieved overtime with great perseverance. Another book named “Talent is Overrated: What seperates word class performers and others also proves that fact. She suggest motivating kids by saying you are smart might be good compliment but encouraging their perseverance and effort goes a long way.

She continues to say that many don’t success because they don’t have plan or follow through action for their goals and suggest to use her “If-then” method. If I get $100 more than last month, I will put in savings. It seem to have worked for her. If it’s monday and wednesday, I will work out. It might seem like kids home work but that’s basis and works well. To read the full article, visit costcoconnection.com

Everyone is different. What I do is, I usually categorize the goals as Personal, Financial, and Family goals. I prioritize them and jot them in a big white board in my study room so I can see them every day. I draft plan for one goal at a time and follow through by taking action. That’s about it. 

Small amount of time spent on everyday on one or multiple goals can surely take to your destination. Example, I wanted to be a CFP(Certified Financial Planner) and made it as a goal in 2008. I planned one step at time. I completed the course in 2010, took the exam and completed CFP exam 2010 end. Currently, I am working to get some experience so I can be a CFP?. I don’t have finance background but I am just determined to get a CFP?. That’s my goal and I am working towards it.

Don’t give “NO TIME” as silly excuse. Everyone only got 24 hours a day and 12 hours to actually do something productive. If you don’t find time to all, concentrate atleast one or two important things so you can say at the end of this year, you have something to write in your life book. To make this year a good one or better is in your hands, start something this month and plan to follow through.

All the best…

PS: Thanks to mymoneyblog.com author Jonathan who shared about “Talent is Overrated” book.

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